Bertram Durand honored with ENEX Award of Excellence

Bertram Durand honored with ENEX Award of Excellence

It was with great pride and emotion that Bertram A. Durand, founder of TalentEX and ENEX Global Executive Search, was honored with a prestigious Award of Excellence at the traditional ENEX annual meeting, held this year in the USA. This prestigious award, presented by ENEX, the network of independent recruitment agencies created at Mr. Durand's instigation in 1980, recognizes his dedication, passion and remarkable career in executive search and recruitment.

The ceremony was an opportunity to highlight Mr. Durand's exceptional contributions. His career has been marked by many successes, from the founding of CNPG Conseil in 1958, to the creation of ENEX, today an international recruitment consultancy network covering more than 50 countries.

The award was presented in recognition of his ongoing commitment to improving recruitment and talent management practices. In 2024, Bertram Durand launched TalentEX, a revolutionary approach to recruitment that holistically integrates the physical and digital dimensions. This innovative initiative combines a local presence of experienced consultants with the use of the most advanced digital tools, offering a complete range of recruitment services for both companies and candidates.

In his acceptance speech, Bertram Durand expressed his gratitude to his colleagues, partners and the industry as a whole for their unfailing support throughout his career. He also stressed the importance of innovation and adaptation in an ever-changing world, pointing out that TalentEX's success lies in its ability to merge the advantages of the physical and digital worlds.

This prestigious recognition only confirms Bertram A. Durand's lasting impact on the recruitment industry. His vision, leadership and commitment to excellence continue to inspire and guide the next generation of recruitment professionals worldwide.

Press Contact: Name: M. Y. Grimauld Email: Phone: 01 44 34 23 23

About TalentEX: TalentEX is an innovative recruitment consultancy that integrates the latest digital technologies with local expertise, offering comprehensive services to companies and candidates in France and around the world.

About ENEX Global Executive Search: ENEX Global Executive Search is an international network of independent recruitment agencies, present in over 50 countries, specializing in executive search and helping companies find the best talent.

International Recruitment in 2023: Challenges and Perspectives

International Recruitment in 2023: Challenges and Perspectives

The world of work is changing fast, and international recruitment is no exception. Faced with a shortage of talent in many sectors and increased competition for the best candidates, companies are increasingly turning to foreign markets to fill their labor needs and stay competitive.

A boom in remote recruitment

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the world of work, accelerating the adoption of remote working. This trend has opened up new opportunities for companies in terms of international recruitment, giving them access to a much wider talent pool.

Diversity and inclusion: growing priorities

More and more companies are recognizing the importance of diversity and inclusion within their teams. International recruitment is an excellent way to build multicultural, inclusive teams that reflect the diversity of their global customer base.

Artificial intelligence and automation at the service of recruitment

Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation technologies are increasingly being used to simplify and optimize the international recruitment process. They enable applications to be sorted and analyzed more quickly and accurately, saving companies time and allowing them to focus on the most relevant candidates.

Skills and experience: the new selection criteria

Companies are placing increasing emphasis on candidates' skills and practical experience, rather than academic qualifications. This trend is particularly noticeable in fast-growing sectors such as IT and engineering.

Flexible working: an asset for attracting talent

International candidates are increasingly looking for flexible working options, such as remote working, flexible hours and a better work-life balance. Companies that adapt to these new expectations are more likely to attract and retain the best talent.

Key indicators and statistics

Challenges and obstacles

International recruitment is not without its challenges. Companies have to deal with cultural differences, language barriers, local regulations and visa issues.

Tips for successful international recruitment

  • Define a clear strategy and identify the company's needs.
  • Adapting the recruitment process to different cultures.
  • Use available tools and technologies to simplify the process.
  • Work with local partners to identify the best candidates.
  • Offer support to candidates to facilitate their integration.

International recruitment is an essential strategy for companies seeking to thrive in an ever-changing global marketplace. By adapting to trends and adopting best practices, companies can maximize their chances of success and access a limitless talent pool.


Plongée au Coeur de l'Évolution des Métiers du Recrutement: Quelles Tendances Redéfinissent le Paysage du Recrutement?

Plongée au Coeur de l'Évolution des Métiers du Recrutement: Quelles Tendances Redéfinissent le Paysage du Recrutement?

In the ever-changing world of recruitment, the business of sourcing and engaging talent is undergoing a radical transformation. Recent developments, fueled by the rise of technology, evolving candidate expectations and new business trends, are reinventing the way companies recruit their valued employees. In this deep dive into the industry, we discover the trends that are reshaping the recruitment landscape.

Digitization and the Technological Revolution :

Gone are the days when recruiters consulted stacks of printed CVs. The advent of online recruitment platforms, applicant tracking software (ATS) and artificial intelligence tools has metamorphosed the way recruiters search for, assess and attract talent. These new technologies offer automated solutions, improving the efficiency of the recruitment process and enabling recruitment professionals to concentrate on higher value-added tasks.

The Power of Employer Branding :

Today's candidates are looking for employers who offer more than just a salary. They're looking for companies that offer a vibrant corporate culture, opportunities for growth and a stimulating work environment. This is where employer branding comes in. Companies need to nurture their reputation as an employer, highlighting their corporate culture and values through targeted communication on social networks and company review sites.

A New Face for Recruiters:

The recruitment professions are also evolving in terms of the skills and responsibilities required.Today's recruiters havebecome strategists, marketers and human resources consultants. They play a key role in developing innovative recruitment strategies, working closely with managers to identify recruitment needs and attract the best talent.

Putting the Candidate Experience First:

In this new paradigm, the candidate experience has become a key element of the recruitment process. Companies need to offer candidates a transparent, fluid and engaging experience, from first contact through to integration. Recruiters play a central role in creating this experience, ensuring clear communication, constructive feedback and attentive monitoring throughout the process.

At a time when recruitment is undergoing a radical transformation, companies need to adapt to stay competitive in the talent market. By embracing technology, strengthening their employer brand, developing new skills and putting the candidate experience at the center of their concerns, recruiters can meet the challenges of recruiting in an ever-changing world, ensuring their company's long-term growth and prosperity.

The Keys to Attracting and Retaining Talent in a Competitive Market

The Keys to Attracting and Retaining Talent in a Competitive Market

In an increasingly competitive job market, attracting and retaining the best talent has become a major challenge for companies, both in France and abroad. The war for talent requires companies to adopt innovative strategies to stand out from the competition and attract the most qualified candidates. At the same time, talent retention is essential to ensure the company's growth and longevity. In this article, we explore the key strategies companies can adopt to attract and retain talent in a competitive market.

The Importance of Employer Branding :

Employer branding plays a crucial role in attracting talent. Candidates are attracted to companies that offer a stimulating work environment, opportunities for professional growth and a positive corporate culture. To strengthen their employer brand, companies need to highlight their values, vision and corporate culture through their communication channels, such as their website, social networks and recruitment events. What's more, testimonials from satisfied employees can serve as social proof and reinforce the company's appeal to potential candidates.

An efficient recruitment process:

An efficient recruitment process is essential to attracting the best talent. Companies need to ensure that their recruitment process is transparent, fast and focused on the candidate experience. This means eliminating unnecessary obstacles, offering constructive feedback to candidates and maintaining open communication throughout the process. In addition, the use of innovative technologies, such as applicant tracking software and online recruitment platforms, can help companies to identify and engage talent more effectively.

Professional Development and Employee Well-Being Initiatives :

To retain talent, companies need to invest in the professional development and well-being of their employees. This can include setting up training and development programs, offering mentoring and coaching opportunities, and creating a work environment conducive to work-life balance. Benefits, such as paid time off, health insurance and wellness-related perks, can also play an important role in talent retention.

In a competitive labor market, attracting and retaining the best talent is a major challenge for companies. By implementing strategies such as strengthening the employer brand, improving the recruitment process and investing in professional development and employee well-being, companies can set themselves apart from the competition and attract the most qualified talent. Ultimately, a company's ability to attract and retain talent will have a significant impact on its ability to innovate and thrive in an ever-changing business environment.

The French recruitment market in 2023-2024: Assessment and trends

The French recruitment market in 2023-2024: Assessment and trends

The French recruitment market in 2023-2024: Assessment and trends

2023: A dynamic year with a slight downturn

The year 2023 saw sustained activity on the French recruitment market, with over 10 million job offers circulating. Although this figure was slightly down on 2022, it remains indicative of a favorable situation for candidates. Jobfeed data reveal the recruitment of 6,305,771 permanent jobs and 1,329,335 fixed-term contracts, underlining the overall robustness of the market.

However, this dynamic was not uniform across all sectors. Some, such as digital, healthcare and the ecological transition, have seen significant growth in recruitment needs, while others, such as manufacturing and retail, have felt the impact of the economic climate to a greater extent.

2024: A changing market with challenges and opportunities

The year 2024 is shaping up to be a period of transformation for the recruitment market in France. Several factors will influence this evolution:

    • Slowing corporate demand for labor: Economic uncertainties and inflationary pressures could lead companies to reduce their recruitment efforts.
    • Continued high tension in certain professions: occupations related to digital technology, healthcare and the ecological transition will remain in high demand.
    • The importance of talent retention: In a context of labor shortage, companies will have to redouble their efforts to retain their employees.
    • Changing recruitment practices: Artificial intelligence, digitalization and online recruitment platforms will continue to reshape recruiters' strategies.

Major market trends in 2024

Digitalization and artificial intelligence 

In 2024, digitization and artificial intelligence will be key levers in the recruitment landscape. Companies are turning to the automation of repetitive tasks, exploiting chatbots and advanced algorithms to optimize the candidate search process. This technological revolution offers increased efficiency, enabling recruiters to focus on more strategic aspects of recruitment while speeding up the discovery of exceptional profiles.

Flexibility and adaptability

Flexibility is becoming the keystone of recruitment strategies in 2024. Companies are giving priority to flexible contracts, telecommuting and remote working to meet workers' new expectations. This adaptation to flexible working modes not only attracts talent, but also maximizes productivity by offering working conditions tailored to individual needs.

Employer branding and candidate experience

The importance of employer brand and candidate experience continues to grow. In 2024, companies understand that their reputation as an employer directly influences their ability to attract the best talent. As a result, improving the company's image is becoming a priority, along with establishing a smooth and attractive recruitment process. First impressions count, and candidates are increasingly attentive to a company's image and culture before applying.

Behavioral and soft skills

Behavioral competencies and soft skills will feature prominently in recruitment criteria in 2024. Recruiters recognize the importance of traits such as collaboration, effective communication and problem-solving in team success. The emphasis on these skills reflects an evolution in traditional selection criteria, highlighting the need for a more holistic approach to candidate assessment.

Training and skills development

Faced with ever-changing business environments, training and skills development will be crucial in 2024. Companies understand that investing in the ongoing development of their employees is essential to remain competitive. The implementation of training programs tailored to the changing needs of the job market is thus becoming a pillar of the company's talent recruitment and retention strategy.

Growth sectors in 2024

Several sectors stand out as particularly buoyant in 2024, offering significant opportunities for job seekers. The digital and IT sectors are continuing their ascent, closely followed by healthcare and medical-social services. The ecological transition, engineering and construction, as well as sales and marketing, are also experiencing sustained demand, illustrating the dominant trends in this year's recruitment market.

Tips for candidates

    • Develop your digital and soft skills.
    • Stay abreast of market trends and adapt your profile.
    • Look after your CV and your online presence.
    • Network and use recruitment platforms.
    • Prepare for interviews and make the most of your assets.

Tips for companies

    • Clearly define your recruitment needs.
    • Adapt your practices to new technologies and candidates' expectations.
    • Offer a positive and rewarding candidate experience.
      Invest in training and skills development for your employees.

The recruitment market in France in 2023-2024 is dynamic and changing. Companies need to adapt to new technologies and candidates' expectations if they are to recruit successfully. Candidates, for their part, need to develop their skills and keep abreast of market trends to maximize their chances of finding a job.


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